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Gipps, Ruth

LC control no.n 81062109
Descriptive conventionsrda
LC classificationML410.G383 Biography
Personal name headingGipps, Ruth
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Associated countryEngland
Birth date1921-02-20
Death date1999-02-23
Place of birthBexhill (England)
Place of deathEastbourne (East Sussex, England)
Field of activityMusic
Profession or occupationComposers Conductors (Music) Organists Oboists Music teachers Pianists
Found inHer The cat, 1960.
Int. ww in mus., 15th ed. (Gipps, Ruth Dorothy Louisa; b. Feb. 20, 1921, Bexhill, Sussex, England; musician, composer, conductor, organist)
Notes, June 2000: p. 917 (Gipps, Ruth; d. Feb. 23, 1999, at 78; British pianist, oboist, composer, conductor, and teacher)
Grove music online, February 23, 2015 (Gipps, Ruth; born February 20, 1921, Bexhill-on-Sea; died February 23, 1999, Eastbourne; English pianist, composer and conductor)