LC control no. | n 81071437 |
Descriptive conventions | rda |
LC classification | ML410.D113 Biography |
Personal name heading | Dahl, Ingolf, 1912-1970 |
Associated country | United States |
Birth date | 19120609 |
Death date | 19700806 |
Place of birth | Hamburg (Germany) |
Place of death | Frutigen (Switzerland) |
Profession or occupation | Composers Conductors (Music) Pianists |
Found in | Stravinskiĭ, I. F. Danses concertantes, 1944. New Grove (Dahl, Ingolf; b. June 9, 1912, Hamburg; d. Aug. 6, 1970, Frutigen, nr. Berne; American composer, conductor, pianist) |