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Eröd, Iván

LC control no.n 81074649
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingEröd, Iván
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Associated countryHungary
Birth date1936-01-02
Death date2019-06-24
Place of birthBudapest (Hungary)
Place of deathVienna (Austria)
Field of activityMusic
Profession or occupationComposers Pianists
Found inHis Ricercare et aria, 1966.
Blumenstück, c1995: t.p. (Iván Eröd) p. 8 (b. Budapest, Jan. 2, 1936; emigrated to Austria, 1956)
Grove music online, August 5, 2019 (Eröd, Iván; born January 2, 1936, Budapest; Austrian composer and pianist of Hungarian birth)
Wikipedia, August 5, 2019 (Iván Erőd; sometimes spelled Eröd; born January 2, 1936, Budapest, Hungary, died June 24, 2019, Vienna, Austria; Hungarian-Austrian composer and pianist)