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Western Samoa. Legislative Assembly

LC control no.n 81099123
Corporate name headingWestern Samoa. Legislative Assembly
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Western Samoa. Fono Aoao Faitulafono
Western Samoa. Fono
Western Samoa. House of Assembly
See alsoSamoa. Legislative Assembly
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities
Found inIts Debates (official report) ... v. 2.
Western Samoa. Labour Dept. Lipoti faale-tausaga, 1984: t.p. of Samoan section (Fono Aoao Faitulafono a Samoa i Sisifo) t.p. of English section (Legislative Assembly of Western Samoa)
Europa year book, 1988: p. 3050 (under Western Samoa: Fono (Legislative Assembly))
So'o, Asofou. Author's Universal suffrage in Western Samoa, c1993: p. 1 (The one-chamber parliament consists of a House of Assembly with 47 members)
Its Approved estimates of receipts ... 30th June 1997: t.p. (Legislative Assembly of Western Samoa)
Not found inSamoa. Legislative Assembly. Approved estimates of receipts ... 30th June 1998: t.p. (Legislative Assembly of Samoa)