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Baskerville, John, 1706-1775

LC control no.n 81103313
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingBaskerville, John, 1706-1775
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Baskerville, Joannes, 1706-1775
Baskerville, J. (John), 1706-1775
Baskerville, G. (Giovanni), 1706-1775
Birth date1706
Death date1775-01
Field of activityPrinting
Profession or occupationPrinters
Found inC. Crispus Sallustius, 1773: t.p. (Joannis Baskerville)
Shaftesbury, A. A. C. Chararacteristicks of men, manners, opinions, times, 1773: imprint on t.p. (J. Baskerville)
Orlando furioso, 1773 : t.p. (G. Baskerville)
John Baskerville, 2017: title page (John Baskerville) page xv (born in Wolverley, near Kidderminster in 1707; baptised on January 28 at Wovlerley parish church) page 4 of cover (John Baskerville, 1707-1775)
ODNB WWW pages, September 17, 2018 (John Baskerville, 1706-รก1775; printer and typefounder, he was born at Sion Hill, Wolverley, near Kidderminster; baptized at Wolverley on 28 January 1707; died at his house at Easy Hill in January 1775)
Associated languageeng