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Wessels, Wolfgang

LC control no.n 81103390
Personal name headingWessels, Wolfgang
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Variant(s)Wessels, W. (Wolfgang)
Wessels, Wolfgang Theodor
Other standard no.0000000108818788
Birth date1948-01-19
Place of birthCologne (Germany)
AffiliationUniversität zu Köln
Profession or occupationPolitical scientists Political science teachers
Found inEuropäische Wirtschaftspolitik, 1973: t.p. (Wolfgang Wessels)
Le Parlement européen à la veille ... 1984: t.p. (W. Wessels)
EG-Mitgliedschaft, ein vitales Interesse der Bundesrepublik Deutschland? c1984: t.p. (Wolfgang Wessels) p. 24 (Dr., Geschäftsführer des Instituts für Europäische Politik, Bonn; b. 1/19/48 in Köln; Direktor der Dominante administrative am Europa-Kolleg Brügge)
BL auth. file, 12 Aug. 2011 (hdg.: Wessels, Wolfgang, 1948-)
Jahrbuch der Europäischen Integration, 2024: t.p. (Wolfgang Wessels)
Wikipedia, viewed January 7, 2025 (Wolfgang Wessels; Wolfgang Theodor Wessels; born January 19, 1948 in Cologne, Germany; political scientist; holds the Jean Monnet Chair ad personam in political science at the University of Cologne; retired professor at the University of Cologne; head of the Centre for Turkey and European Studies (CETEUS) at the University of Cologne)