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Matsunaga, Yasuzaemon, 1875-1971

LC control no.n 81108446
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingMatsunaga, Yasuzaemon, 1875-1971
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Variant(s)Matsunaga, Jian, 1875-1971
松永安左ェ門, 1875-1971
松永安左エ門, 1875-1971
松永安左ヱ門, 1875-1971
松永安左卫門, 1875-1971
松永安左工門, 1875-1971
松永安左衛門, 1875-1971
松永耳庵, 1875-1971
松永一州, 1875-1971
Birth date1875
Death date1971
Special noteMachine-derived non-Latin script reference project.
Non-Latin script references not evaluated.
Non-Latin script references reviewed in NACO CJK Funnel References Project.
Found inHis Sangyō kaizō e no michi, 1929.
Matsunaga Jian chanoyu henreki, 2000 t.p. (Matsuna Jian [in vernaculars]).
OCLC #41520666, May 12, 2023 (access point: 松永安左エ門, 1875-1971 = Matsunaga, Yasuzaemon, 1875-1971; usage: 松永安左工門 = Matsunaga Yasuzaemon)
NDL in VIAF, May 12, 2023 (access point: 松永安左衛門, 1875-1971; variant: 松永安左エ門, 松永安左ェ門, 松永耳庵, 松永安左ヱ門, 松永一州 [alias])
Associated languagejpn