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Tarbell, D. Stanley, 1913-1999

LC control no.n 81111631
Personal name headingTarbell, D. Stanley, 1913-1999
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Tarbell, Dean Stanley, 1913-1999
Found inHis Roger Adams, 1981: t.p. (D. Stanley Tarbell) pref. (signed Dept. of Chem., Vanderbilt U.) CIP data s. (b. 10/19/13)
His Essays on the history of organic ... 1986: CIP t.p. (Dean Stanley Tarbell)
National Academies Press WWW site, Mar. 16, 2011 (Dean Stanley Tarbell; b. Oct. 19, 1913, Hancock, N.H.; d. May 26, 1999; had a distinguished career in research and teaching in organic chemistry)