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East Prussia (Germany)

LC control no.n 81126894
Geographic headingEast Prussia (Germany)
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Variant(s)Prussia, East (Province)
Prusy Wschodnie (Germany)
Prusy Książęce (Germany)
Vostochnai︠a︡ Prussii︠a︡ (Germany)
Ostpreussen (Germany)
See alsoPrusy Królewskie (Poland)
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Kaliningradskai︠a︡ oblastʹ (Russia)
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Special noteSUBJECT USAGE: This heading is not valid for use as a subject. Works about this place are entered under Prussia, East (Poland and Russia).
Found inEnc. powsz. PRL, 1973-1976: v. 3, p. 714 (Prusy Królewskie was a Polish province created in 1466 from the area known as Pomorze Gdańskie, ziemia chełmińska and the areas surrounding Malbork and Elbląg, along with Warmia. This area was under the sovereignty of the king of Poland. In 1772 Prusy Królewskie (without Gdańsk and Toruń) became part of Prussia. In 1793 Gdańsk and Toruń became part of West Prussia and Warmia became a part of East Prussia. In 1919 the greater part of the former Prusy Królewskie returned to Poland)
Not found inBolʹsh. sov. ėnt︠s︡ikl., 2nd ed.: v. 19, p. 426 (Kaliningradskai︠a︡ oblastʹ R.S.F.S.R. This oblastʹ was established on 04-07-1946 on the ancient lands of the Pribaltic Slavs after the destruction of Germany. It was formerly Vostochnai︠a︡ Prussii︠a︡); SSSR, admin.-territ. delenie, 1983: p. 129 (Kaliningradskai︠a︡ oblastʹ was established on 04-07-1946); BGN 6/27/80 (Kaliningradskaya oblastʹ, 54°45ʹN 21°30ʹE); Geographic notes, winter 1992/93: p. 17 (Kaliningrad; [in rom.] oblast in the Russian Federation; name considered provisional by BGN); LC data base, 05-21-96 (hdg.: Kaliningradskai︠a︡ oblastʹ (Russia))
Geographic area codee-pl--- e-ru---