LC control no. | n 81128032 |
Geographic heading | Suwałki (Poland) |
Geographic subdivision usage | Poland--Suwałki |
Variant(s) | Suwałki, Poland (City) Sudauen (Germany) Suwalkie (Poland) Suvalkai (Poland) Suvalki (Poland) Suvalḳ (Poland) Suwalk (Poland) |
Special note | The following heading for an earlier name is a valid AACR2 heading: Sudauen (Germany) |
Found in | Keith, E. Bibliographie ... 1940. Telephone call to BGN, 7/7/81: (approved form Suwałki, 54°6ʹN, 22°56ʹE; variants Suwalkie, Suvalkai, Suvalki; no earlier names) Sefer ḳehilat Suvalḳ u-venoteha, 1989: t.p. (Suvalḳ) added t.p. (Suwalk [in rom.]) GeoNames, algorithmically matched, 2009 (ppl; 54°05ʹ58ʺN 022°55ʹ59ʺE) |
Geographic area code | e-pl--- |