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Chen, Yonggui

LC control no.n 81129398
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingChen, Yonggui
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Variant(s)Chʻen, Yung-kuei
Death date1986
Special noteMachine-derived non-Latin script reference project.
Non-Latin script references not evaluated.
Non-Latin script references reviewed in NACO CJK Funnel References Project.
Found inAuthor's Tʻan tʻan kʻo hsüeh chung tʻien, 1973.
Cha pai mao chin ti fu tsung li Chʻen Yung-kuei, 1993: p. 307 (d. 1986)
Chʻen Yung-kuei chuan, 1996: p. 4 (he is not clear about his own birth date; officially 1915, but could be 1914)
OCLC #38496536, May 3, 2020 (access point: 陈永贵 = Chen, Yonggui; usage: 陈永贵 = Chen Yonggui)