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Schulhoff, Ervín, 1894-1942

LC control no.n 81132048
Descriptive conventionsrda
LC classificationML410.S363
Personal name headingSchulhoff, Ervín, 1894-1942
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Variant(s)Balzar, Eman, 1894-1942
Füller, Joe, 1894-1942
Gaspar, Lu, 1894-1942
Hanell, George, 1894-1942
Hanell, J., 1894-1942
Hannel, George, 1894-1942
Longfield, John, 1894-1942
Michálek, Franta, 1894-1942
Petr, Hans, 1894-1942
Petr, Hanuš, 1894-1942
Schulhoff, E. (Ervín), 1894-1942
Schulhoff, Erwin, 1894-1942
Shulʹkhoff, Ė., 1894-1942
Birth date1894-06-08
Death date1942-08-18
Place of birthPrague (Czech Republic)
Profession or occupationcomposer pianist
Found inStará, V. Ervín Schulhoff, 1958.
Repressirovannai︠a︡ muzyka, 2007: p. 54, Soderzhanie kompakt-diska (Ė. Shulʹkhoff [composer])
Grossman, A. Solo music for the bassoon (and contrabassoon) [SR] c1980: label (Erwin Schulhoff)
Z tvorby L. Janáčka, E. Schulhoffa ... [SR] 1979, p1978.
Baker's biographical dictionary of twentieth-century classical musicians, c1997 (Schulhoff, Ervín; b. June 8, 1894, Prague; d. Aug. 18, 1942, Wülzburg, Bavaria; Czech composer and pianist)
Schulhoff, E. Susi, c2000: pref. (published under the pseudonym Eman Balzar; also used pseudonymns Hans Petr, George Hannel, Lu Gaspar, Joe Füller, John Longfield, and Franta Michálek)
Dritte Symphonie, 2015: 3rd unnumbered page (Erwin Schulhoff, geb. Prag, 8 Juni 1894 - gest. Weissenberg, 18 August, 1942)
The syncopater's Peter, 2013: title page (J. Hanell (Ervin Schulhoff)) page i (composed under pseudonyms: Lu Gaspar, George Hanell, Franta Michálek, Eman Balzar, Joe Fuller, John Longfield, Hanuš Petr)
Invalid LCCNn 2002127087