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Loesser, Frank, 1910-1969

LC control no.n 81133632
Descriptive conventionsrda
LC classificationML410.L7984 Biography
PZ8.3.L8247 Stories in rhyme, English
Personal name headingLoesser, Frank, 1910-1969
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Birth date1910-06-29
Death date1969-07-26
Place of birthNew York (N.Y.)
Place of deathNew York (N.Y.)
Field of activityMusic Musicals
Profession or occupationComposers Lyricists Librettists
Found inU.S. Army service forces. Special services division. Hi, Yank! 1944?
The Frank Loesser songbook, c1994: p. 6-7 (b. 6/29/1910 and d. 7/26/1969 in New York City; composer; lyricist)
Wikipedia, Dec. 5, 2019 (Frank Loesser; Frank Henry Loesser; composer, lyricist, screenwriter)