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Thibaud, Jacques, 1880-1953

LC control no.n 81140121
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingThibaud, Jacques, 1880-1953
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Variant(s)Thibaud, J. (Jacques), 1880-1953
Tibo, Zh., 1880-1953
Birth date1880-09-27
Death date1953-09-01
Place of birthBordeaux (France)
Place of deathAlpes de Haute-Provence (France)
Profession or occupationViolinists
Found inHis Il magico violino, 1946.
New Grove (Thibaud, Jacques; b. Sept. 27, 1880, Bordeaux, d. Sept. 1, 1953, Mont Cemet, nr. Barcelonette; French violinist)
Chausson, E. Concert [SR] 1931?: labels (J. Thibaud, violin)
Betkhoven, L. Trio no 7, si bemolʹ mazhor, soch. 97, 1961: (Zh. Tibo, skripka (= violin))