LC control no. | n 81140725 |
Descriptive conventions | rda |
Personal name heading | Niccolò, de' Tudeschi, 1386-1445 |
Variant(s) | Niccolò, de' Tudeschi, Archbishop 1386-1445 Niccolò, de' Tudeschi, Archbishop of Palermo, 1386-1445 Abbas Modernus, 1386-1445 Abbas Panormitanus, 1386-1445 Abbas Recentior, 1386-1445 Abbas Siculus, 1386-1445 Abbas Syculus Panormitanus, 1386-1445 Dominus Abbas, 1386-1445 Niccolò, de Tedeschi, 1386-1445 Niccolò de' Tudeschi, Abp., 1386-1445 Nicolaus, de Tudeschis, 1386-1445 Nicolaus, de Tudisco, 1386-1445 Nicholaus, de Tudeschis, 1386-1445 Nicolò, Tudesco, 1386-1445 Panormitanus, 1386-1445 Panorme, 1386-1445 Siculus, 1386-1445 Syculus Panormitanus, 1386-1445 Tedeschi, Niccolò, 1386-1445 Tudeschi, Niccolò de', 1386-1445 Tudeschis, Nicolai de, 1386-1445 Tudesco, Nicolò, 1386-1445 Tudisco, Nicolaus de, 1386-1445 Tudeschis, Nicolaus, 1386-1445 Panormitanus de Tudeschis, Nicolaus, 1386-1445 |
Located | Parma (Italy) Siena (Italy) Bologna (Italy) Rome (Italy) |
Birth date | 1386 |
Death date | 1445-02-24 |
Place of birth | Catania (Italy) |
Place of death | Palermo (Italy) |
Field of activity | Canon law |
Affiliation | Benedictines Catholic Church. Archdiocese of Palermo (Italy) |
Profession or occupation | Canonists College teachers Bishops Cardinals |
Found in | His Lectura domini abbatis super rubrica de translatione episcoporu[m], ca. 1478: t.p. (... domini abbatis) Van Hove, Alphonse. "Nicolò de' Tudeschi," in Catholic encyclopedia, v. 11, 1911, accessed via, May 24, 2017 (Nicolò de' Tudeschi ("abbas modernus" or "recentior", "abbas Panormitanus" or "Siculus"); Benedictine canonist, born Catania, Sicily, in 1386; died Palermo, 24 February, 1445; "In 1400 he entered the Order of St. Benedict ... in 1411 he became a doctor of canon law, and taught successively at Parma (1412-18), Siena (1419-30), and Bologna (1431-32) ... In 1425, he was made abbot of the monastery of Maniacio, near Messina, whence his name 'Abbas,' to which has been added 'modernus' or 'recentior' (in order to distinguish him from 'Abbas antiquus,' a thirteenth century canonist who died about 1288); he is also known as 'Abbas Siculus' on account of his Sicilian origin. In 1433 he went to Rome where he exercised the functions of auditor of the Rota and Apostolic referendary. The following year he relinquished these offices and placed himself at the service of Alfonso of Castile, King of Sicily, obtaining the See of Palermo in 1435, whence his name 'Panormitanus.' During the troubles that marred the pontificate of Eugene IV, Nicolò at first followed the party of this pontiff but subsequently allied himself with the antipope Felix V who, in 1440, named him cardinal") <> Wikipedia, May 24, 2017 (article title: "Panormitanus"; Nicolò de' Tudeschi (Panormitanus) (also "Abbas modernus" or "recentior", "abbas Panormitanus" or "Siculus"), born Catania, Sicily, in 1386; died Palermo, 24 February 1445; Italian Benedictine canonist; [obtained] the See of Palermo in 1435, whence his Latin name "Panormitanus" (Palermo in Latin is Panormus)) EDIT 16, May 24, 2017 (Tedeschi, Niccolò <1386-1445>, Benedictine canonist born at Catania, 1386, died Palermo 1445; professor at Parma, Siena and Bologna, archbishop of Palermo since 1435; name on editions of his works: Nicolaus Abbas Panormitanus; Abbas Panormitanus; Nicolaus Tudeschius; Nicolaus Siculus abbas Panormitanus; Nicolaus de Sicilia; Abbas; Abbas Siculus; Abbas Siculus Panorm.; Abbas Syculus Panormitanus; Abbas Siculus; Nicolaus Tudescus Catinensis) Il cigno Galileo Galilei website, May 24, 2017 (listing for 2000 publication: Niccolò Tedeschi (Abbas Panormitanus) e i suoi Commentaria in Decretales) Pennington, Kenneth. "Nicolaus de Tudeschis (Panormitanus)," version published on Ken Pennington's website, retrieved April 24, 2017 ("The ... cathedral in Palermo contains the ... tomb of a great Sicilian jurist, Nicolaus de Tudeschis, more commonly known by the name Panormitanus, which he received after he became Archbishop of Palermo in 1434 ... [His epitaph] reads, in part, 'The canons, jurisprudence, and Roman law has died with your death, and they lie buried in this place. You, Nicolaus, were born of Teutonic blood in Catania and held the bishopric of Palermo.' Most likely his name 'de Tudeschis' means that he was born of a German (Tedeschi) family that settled in Eastern Sicily and that became part of the ruling elite in Catania during the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries. We have one instance of his having given his complete name in a letter dated 1425-1430: 'Nicolaus de Tudisco Siculus Matantensis'") <> VIAF, May 24, 2017: VIAF ID: 32108367 (Tedeschi, Niccolò, 1386-1445: National Library of Sweden; Sudoc (ABES), France; National Library of Poland; National Library of Spain; National Library of Portugal; National Library of France; Niccolò, de' Tudeschi, Archbishop, 1386-1445: Library of Congress/NACO; National Library of Chile; National Library of Israel; Nicolaus de Tudeschis, 1386-1445: National Library of the Czech Republic; German National Library; NUKAT Center of Warsaw University Library; Salicetus, Nicolaus 14..-ca 1493: ISNI; Nicolaus, de Tudeschis: RERO - Library Network of Western Switzerland; Tudeschis, Nicolaus de, 1386-1445: National Library of Portugal; Niccolò, de' Tudeschi, 1386-1445: National Library and Archives of Québec; Niccolo de' Tedeschi: National and University Library in Zagreb; Nicolaus, de Tudeschis (Nicolaus), 1386-1445: National Library of the Netherlands; Niccolò Tedeschi: Wikidata; Tedeschi, Niccolò: Central Institute for the Union Catalogue of the Italian libraries; Panormitanus de Tudeschis, Nicolaus: BIBSYS) VIAF ID: 300137612 (Tudeschis, Niccolò de', O.S.B., arciv. di Palermo, 1386-1445; Tedeschi, Nicola, O.S.B., arciv. di Palermo, 1386-1445; Panormitanus de Tudeschis, Nicolaus, O.S.B., arciv. di Palermo, 1386-1445; Nicolaus de Tudisco, card., O.S.B., arciv. di Palermo, 1386-1445: all Vatican Library) OCLC, May 24, 2017 (usage includes (most in oblique cases of Latin): Abbatis; Abbatis Panormitani; Abbatis Siculi qui Panormitanus est vulgo appellatus; D. abbatis Syculi Pano[r]mitani; D[omi]ni abbatis Siculi; Nicholai; Nicolai abbatis Panormitani; Nicolaum de Tudeschis; Nicolai Tudeschii; Nicolai Tudeschij Catinensis Siculi, Abbatis Panormitani pontificiae disciplinae coryphaei; Domini abbatis monacensis domini Nicolai de Tudeschis de Sicilia excellentissimi decretorum doctoris; Nicolaus de Tudeschis (Abbas Panormitanus) (1386-1445); Panorme; Panormitanus; rarely: Domini Nicolai Siculi quo[n]dam moniacensis abbatis ac denuo archiep[iscop]i Panormitani; Do. Nicolaum Siculum Momacensem Abbatem dignissimum nunc Archiepiscopum Panormitan[um]; D[omi]n[u]m Nicolaum Siculum Momatensem Abbate[m] dignissimum, Nunc v[er]o Archiep[iscopu]m Panormitanum; reuerendissimi i[n] Christo patris & D[omi]ni D[omi]ni Nicolai, Archiep[iscop]i Panormi. olim abbatis Siculi) |
Associated language | lat |