LC control no. | n 81144299 |
Descriptive conventions | rda |
Corporate name heading | Toyama Daigaku |
Variant(s) | Toyama University Toyama-shi (Japan). Toyama Daigaku Toyama-shi (Japan). Toyama University University of Toyama 富山大学 |
See also | Toyama Ika Yakka Daigaku |
Beginning date | 1949 |
Special note | Machine-derived non-Latin script reference project. Non-Latin script reference not evaluated. |
Found in | Toyama Daigaku Ningen Hattatsu Kagakubu kiyō, 2006: t.p. (in title: Toyama Daigaku; University of Toyama [in rom.]) Toyama Daigaku WWW site, Sept. 20, 2012: Japanese history of university page (富山医科薬科大学 = Toyama Ika Yakka Daigaku and 高岡短期大学 = Takaoka Tanki Daigaku [no publs. in LC/NLM databases] were integrated and reorganized to 富山大学 = Toyama Daigaku in 2005) English history of university page (Toyama University) |