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Polish National Catholic Church of America

LC control no.n 81146601
Corporate name headingPolish National Catholic Church of America
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Variant(s)Polish National Catholic Church (U.S.)
Polish National Church (U.S.)
Polish Independent Catholic Church (U.S.)
Polski Narodowy Katolicki Kościół w Ameryce
Polsko-Narodowy Katolicki Kościół w Ameryce
See alsoKościół Polsko-Katolicki
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities
Special noteThe following headings for earlier names are valid AACR 2 headings: Polish National Church (U.S.); Polish Independent Catholic Church (U.S.)
Found inU.S. Bureau of the Census. Census of religious ... 1929.
New Cath. ency. (Polish National Catholic Church. In 1895 Anton Koslowski was excommunicated and formed the Polish Old Catholic Church [no publs. in LC] which united with the Polish National Catholic Church in 1907. In 1921 PNCC established a mission in Poland)