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Haden, Charlie

LC control no.n 81146634
Descriptive conventionsrda
LC classificationML418.H4 Biography
Personal name headingHaden, Charlie
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Variant(s)Haden, Charles Edward
See alsoCorporate body: Charlie Haden Quartet West
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Corporate body: Ornette Coleman Double Quartet
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Birth date1937-08-06
Death date2014-07-11
Place of birthShenandoah (Iowa)
Place of deathLos Angeles (Calif.)
Field of activityJazz
Profession or occupationDouble bassists Jazz musicians
Found inJarrett, K. The mourning of a star. [Phonodisc] 1972.
Playing by heart [SR] 1999: container (Charlie Haden Quartet West)
New Grove dict. of jazz (Haden, Charlie (Charles Edward); b. 8-6-37, Shenandoah, IA; double bass player)
New York times (online), viewed July 14, 2014 (in obituary published July 11: Charlie Haden; b. Charles Edward Haden, Aug. 6, 1937, Shenandoah, Iowa; d. Friday [July 11, 2014], Los Angeles, aged 76; one of the most influential bassists in the history of jazz)
Associated languageeng