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Ebel, Wilhelm, 1908-1980

LC control no.n 81146825
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingEbel, Wilhelm, 1908-1980
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Birth date19080607
Death date19800622
Place of birthGarsuche bei Rodeland (Germany)
Place of deathGöttingen (Germany)
Field of activityLaw--Germany--History Law, Germanic Law, Frisian Lübeck law Magdeburg law
AffiliationUniversität Göttingen
Profession or occupationLegal historians College teachers
Found inHis Gewerbliches Arbeitsvertragsrecht, 1934.
Alte deutsche Gerichtsformeln, 1981: t.p. (Dr. Wilhelm Ebel; obit.; em. ord. Professor an der Univ. Göttingen)
German Wikipedia, viewed Nov. 20, 2014 (Wilhelm Ebel; b. June 7, 1908, Garsuche bei Rodeland, Kreis Ohlau; d. June 22, 1980, Göttingen; German legal historian)
Associated languageger