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Terni (Italy)

LC control no.n 81149900
Geographic headingTerni (Italy)
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Geographic subdivision usageItaly--Terni
Variant(s)Interamna (Italy : Terni)
Special note"Interamnae" given as place of printing in Latin is likely (cf. Brunet, Manuel du libraire, Supplément geographique) to mean Terni in the province of same name, in Umbria; there is, however, also Interamna [Aprutiensis], meaning Teramo in province Teramo in Abruzzi; and an Interamna in France.
Found inGeoNames, algorithmically matched, 2009 (ppl; 42°34ʹ02ʺN 012°39ʹ00ʺE)
Geographic area codee-it---