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Luckinbill, Laurence

LC control no.n 82007901
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingLuckinbill, Laurence
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LocatedWeston (Conn.)
Birth date1934-11-21
Place of birthFort Smith (Ark.)
Field of activityActing Television--Production and direction Documentary films--Production and direction
Profession or occupationActor Television producer and director Playwright Journalist
Special noteHusband of: Arnaz, Lucie, 1951- (n 80143872)
Son-in-law of: Arnaz, Desi, 1917-1986 (n 86868711)
Son-in-law of: Ball, Lucille, 1911-1989 (n 80043347)
Stepson-in-law of: Morton, Gary, 1924-1999 (no2011063564)
Brother-in-law of: Arnaz, Desi, Jr., 1953- (no 99018233)
Found inData from ALA Booklist for The Five forty-eight [VR] 1981 (a.e.) (Laurence Luckinbill, actor)
IMDb, July 30, 2019: (Laurence Luckinbill; actor; producer; born November 21, 1934 in Fort Smith, Arkansas, USA as Laurence George Luckinbill)
Turner Classic Movies website, July 2, 2024: (Laurence George Luckinbill; born November 21, 1934 in Fort Smith, Arkansas; married to Lucie Arnaz)
Author's website, July 2, 2024: (Laurence Luckinbill; native of Arkansas; actor; journalist; playwright; producer; resident of Weston, Connecticut; he is married to actress/singer Lucie Arnaz)
Author's wife's website, July 2, 2024: (Lucie Arnaz; parents are Lucille Ball and Desi Arnaz; brother is Desi Arnaz; married Larry Luckinbill in 1980; her first Broadway appearance was They're Playing Our Song in the 1970s)
Associated languageeng