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Andalusia (Spain)

LC control no.n 82008465
Descriptive conventionsrda
Geographic headingAndalusia (Spain)
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Geographic subdivision usageSpain--Andalusia
Variant(s)Andalucía (Spain)
Andalousie (Spain)
Andalusien (Spain)
Autonomous Community of Andalusia (Spain)
Communauté autonome d'Andalousie (Spain)
Comunidad Autónoma de Andalucía (Spain)
Baetica (Spain)
Junta de Andalucía (Spain)
Andalus (Spain)
Endülüs (Spain)
Special noteDo not establish the Junta de Andalucía; it is synonomous with the name of the govt. (AACR2 24.3E1) (RDA
Found inBarrios, M. Cartas del pueblo andaluz, 1980 (subj.) t.p. (pueblo andaluz) p. 8 (Andalucía)
Spain. Legislación preautonómica, 1980: t.p. (Andalucía) p. 59 (Real Decreto-ley 11/1978, de 27 de abril (Jefatura), por el que se aprueba el régimen preautonómico para Andalucía) p. 60 (includes provs. of Almería, Cádiz, Córdoba, Granada, Huelva, Jaén, Málaga and Sevilla)
Webster's new geog. dict., 1972 (Andalusia)
Bernitt, M. Die Rückwanderung spanischer Gastarbeiter, 1981: t.p. (Andalusien)
Jean, R. Sur les sentiers d'Andalousie, c1983: t.p. (Andalousie)
Internl. Colloq. about the Europ. Convention on Human Rights (6th : 1985 : Seville, Spain). Sixth International Colloq. about the Europ. ..., 1987: CIP t.p. (Autonomous Communities [sic] of Andalusia, Communauté autonome d'Andalousie) p. 11 (Autonomous Community of Andalusia)
Ruiz Robledo, A. La Comunidad Autónoma de Andalucía, 1988?
Encyc. Brit. (Andalusia; corresponding roughly to the ancient Roman province of Baetica)
Spain. Legislación sobre comunidades autónomas, c1982-c1984: v. 1, p. 184 (from the Estatuto de autonomía de Andalucía: the Junta de Andalucía is the institution in which the self-govt. of the autonomous community is organ. politically; the Junta is composed of the Parlamento, the Consejo de Gobierno, and the Pres. of the Junta)
Organigrama de las admin. pub. de las comunidades autónomas, 1983: p. 2 (name of govt. given as Junta de Andalucía)
Arquitectura en Al Andalus, 1996: t.p. (Andalus)
Padilla Monge, A. La provincia romana de la Bética (253-422), 1989: intro. (Andalusia)
Encic. univ. ilustrada europeo-americana, 1907? (hdg.: Bética; one of the Roman political divisions of modern Spain; from the time of the Arab emirate in Iberia, the name Al-andalus became the dominant name for the region, which is today written Andalusia)
GEOnet, July 9, 2004 (Andalucía [short form], Comunidad Autónoma de--ADM1, 37°36ʹN 04°30ʹW; SP51)
Endülüs'te Yahudiler, 2022: page 4 of cover (Endülüs)
Geographic area codee-sp---
Invalid LCCNn 81109333