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Calloway, Cab, 1907-1994

LC control no.n 82020542
Descriptive conventionsrda
LC classificationML410.C265 Biography
Personal name headingCalloway, Cab, 1907-1994
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Variant(s)Calloway, Cabell, 1907-1994
Hi-de-ho, Mr., 1907-1994
Calloway, C., 1907-1994
See alsoCorporate body: Cab Calloway Quartet
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Corporate body: Cab jivers (Musical group)
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Founded corporate body of person: Cab Calloway Orchestra
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Birth date1907-12-25
Death date1994-11-18
Place of birthRochester (N.Y.)
Place of deathHockessin (Del.)
Field of activitySinging Dance
Profession or occupationSingers Band directors Dancers
Found inHis The new Cab Calloway's hepsters dictionary, 1944.
Bohländer, C. Reclams Jazzführer (Calloway, Cab (Cabell), b. 1907)
Bio. dic. of Afro-Amer. & Afr. musicians, 1982 (Calloway, Cabell ("Cab"); b. Dec. 25, 1907)
The Washington post, Nov. 20, 1994: p. B5 (Cab Calloway; "Mr. Hi-de-ho"; singer, dancer, big-band leader; d. Nov. 18, 1994; appeared in many films)
A history of jazz [SR] 1961: container (Cab Calloway Quartet)
Grove Music online, Mar. 10, 2006: Jazz (Calloway, Cab(ell, III); b. Dec. 25, 1907, Rochester, N.Y., d. Nov. 18, 1994, Hockessin, Del.; American singer, bandleader)
Baker's biog. dict. (American singer, band leader, songwriter)
OCLC, June 8, 2022 (hdgs.: Calloway, Cab; Calloway, C.; usage: Cab Calloway, C. Calloway)