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Weinheim an der Bergstrasse (Germany)

LC control no.n 82020609
Descriptive conventionsrda
Geographic headingWeinheim an der Bergstrasse (Germany)
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Geographic subdivision usageGermany--Weinheim an der Bergstrasse
Variant(s)Weinheim, Ger.
Weinheim (Baden-Württemberg, Germany)
Other standard no.Q7050
Found inSchmitt, H. Winheimer Wortschatz, 1981: verso t.p. (Weinheim)
BGN 12/4/81 (Weinheim, W. Ger. popl. 49°33ʹN, 8°40ʹE; variant: Weinheim an der Bergstrasse)
Geographic Names Server, 27 Jan. 2025 (Weinheim; populated place in Baden-Württemberg; 49:32:56 N, 8:40:01 E; only other Weinheim is a section of a popl. place [Alzey] in Rhineland-Palatinate)
US Holocaust Memorial Museum catalog, 13 September 2013 (Weinheim, Baden-Württemberg, Germany)
GEOnet, 13 September 2013 (Weinheim; PPL, 49°32ʹ56ʺN, 008°40ʹ01ʺE; Baden-Württemberg, Germany)
Geographic area codee-gx---
Invalid LCCNno2013099242