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Tristano, Lennie

LC control no.n 82025136
Descriptive conventionsrda
LC classificationML417.T8 Biography
Personal name headingTristano, Lennie
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Variant(s)Tristano, Lennie, 1919-1978
Tristano, Lenny
Tristano, Leonard Joseph
Birth date1919-03-19
Death date1978-11-18
Place of birthChicago (Ill.)
Place of deathNew York (N.Y.)
Field of activityJazz
Profession or occupationJazz musicians Pianists Music teachers
Found inHis Jazz lines, c1958.
His Requiem [SR] 1980: labels (Lennie Tristano) container (b. 3/19/19; d. 11/18/78; jazz pianist)
The jazz keyboards, p1993: label (Lennie Tristano) container (Lenny Tristano)
New Grove dict. of jazz (Tristano, Lennie (Leonard Joseph); b. Mar. 19, 1919, Chicago, d. Nov. 18, 1978, New York; pianist and teacher)
Invalid LCCNn 94098386