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Hammond, Wayne G

LC control no.n 82035669
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingHammond, Wayne G.
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Birth date1953-02-11
AffiliationWilliams College
Profession or occupationLibrarian
Found inCrichton, L. W. Book decoration in America, 1890-1910, 1979 (a.e.) t.p. (Wayne G. Hammond) p. v (asst. librarian of Chapin Library, Williams College)
Chapin Library. Facade, 1977: p. 6 (Wayne Hammond; asst. librarian in the Chapin Library)
The Lord of the rings,1954-2004, 2006: ECIP t.p. (Wayne G. Hammond) data view (b. Feb. 11, 1953)