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Liszt, Franz von, 1851-1919

LC control no.n 82044616
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingLiszt, Franz von, 1851-1919
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Variant(s)List, Frant︠s︡ fon, 1851-1919
Von Liszt, Franz, 1851-1919
Liszt, Franz Eduard Ritter von, 1851-1919
Other standard no.0000000121237996
Associated countryAustria Germany
Associated placeBerlin (Germany)
Birth date1851-03-02
Death date1919-06-21
Place of birthVienna (Austria)
Place of deathSeeheim-Jugenheim (Germany)
AffiliationFriedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Berlin
Profession or occupationLawyers Law teachers Criminologists
Found inDas deutsche Reichsrecht, 1880.
Ein mitteleuropäischer Staatenverband als nächstes Ziel der deutschen auswärtigen Politik, 1914: title page (von Prof. Dr. Franz von Liszt, Geheimer Justizrat, M.d.R. [i.e. Mitglied des Reichstages])
Wikipedia, viewed May 15, 2023 (Franz von Liszt; Franz Eduard Ritter von Liszt; born March 2 1851 in Vienna, Austria; died June 21, 1919 in Seeheim, Germany; German jurist, criminologist and international law reformer; as a legal scholar a proponent of the modern sociological and historical school of law; from 1898 until 1917 professor of criminal law and international law at the University of Berlin; also member of the Progressive People's Party in the Prussian Chamber of Deputies and the Reichstag)
Associated languageger