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Baroth, Hans Dieter, 1937-2008

LC control no.n 82052835
LC classificationPT2680.M484
Personal name headingBaroth, Hans Dieter, 1937-2008
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See alsoSchmidt, Dieter, 1937-2008
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Found inHis Baal und der junge Brecht, 1966.
His Gebeutelt aber nicht gebeugt, 1981: t.p. (Hans Dieter Baroth)
OCLC database, June 8, 2007 (hdg.: Baroth, Hans Dieter, 1937- ; usage: D. Schmidt; Hans Dieter Baroth; Dieter Schmidt)
Email from author, Feb. 19, 2007 (Dieter Schmidt in 1962 began writing as Hans Dieter Baroth; chief editor of two newspapers: "ran" and "Welt der Arbeit")
German Wikipedia WWW site, July 21, 2008 (Hans Dieter Baroth; b. Dieter Schmidt, Feb. 12, 1937, Oer-Erkenschwick; d. July 16, 2008, Berlin; German author)