LC control no. | n 82062326 |
Descriptive conventions | rda |
LC classification | PS3607.Y54 |
Personal name heading | Gyllenhaal, Stephen |
Birth date | 1949-10-04 |
Place of birth | Cleveland (Ohio) |
Field of activity | Motion pictures--Production and direction Television--Production and direction Motion picture authorship Television authorship Writing |
Profession or occupation | Motion picture producers and directors Television producers and directors Screenwriters Authors |
Found in | Data from Phoenix Films for Exit 10 [MP] 1979? (a.e.) (Stephen Gyllenhaal; film producer, director & writer) Internet Movie Database WWW site, April 22, 2016: (Stephen Gyllenhaal, director, writer, producer ; b. Stephen Roark Gyllenhaal, October 4, 1949 in Cleveland, Ohio, USA) |
Associated language | eng |