LC control no. | n 82075347 |
Descriptive conventions | rda |
Geographic heading | Saint-Vith (Belgium) |
Geographic subdivision usage | Belgium--Saint-Vith |
Variant(s) | Saint-Vith, Belgium Sankt-Vith (Belgium) St. Vith (Belgium) |
Found in | U.S. Armored School, Fort Knox, Ky. The defense of St. Vith, 1948. BGN 4/8/82 (Saint-Vith, PPL, 50 17ʹN, 6 08ʹE; variant, Sankt-Vith) GeoNames, algorithmically matched, 2009 (ppl; 50°17ʹ00ʺN 006°08ʹ00ʺE) NUCMC data from The Citadel Archives & Museum for Hugh K. Boyd, Jr., memoirs, undated (In War's Journey: Memoirs of a World War II Prisoner of War in Germany, Boyd described his capture at St. Vith, Belgium (in the Battle of the Bulge) and his experience as a prisoner of war in Germany from Dec. 22, 1944 until his release in Feb. 1945) |
Geographic area code | e-be--- |