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Bottoni, Bernardo, -1266

LC control no.n 82078016
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingBottoni, Bernardo, -1266
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Variant(s)Bernard, of Botone, -1266
Bernard, of Parma, -1266
Bernardo, da Parma, -1266
Bernardus, de Botone Parmensis, -1266
Bernardus, Dominus, -1266
Bernardus, Parmensis, -1266
Botone, Bernardo de, -1266
Bottoni, Bernardo, d. 1266
Bottonus, Bernardus, -1266
Bernardo, Bottonius, -1266
Bernardus, de Botone, -1266
Bernarrde, de Parme, -1266
Bernhardus, Parmensis, -1266
Other standard no.88059068
Associated countryItaly
LocatedParma (Italy) Bologna (Italy)
Death date1266
Place of birthParma (Italy)
Field of activityCanon law
AffiliationUniversità di Bologna
Profession or occupationLawyers University and college faculty members
Found inCatholic Church. Pope, 1227-1241 (Gregorius IX) Decretales dñi ...
Diz. biog. degli Ital. (Bernardo da Parma; b. beg. of 13th (or poss. end of 12th) cent., probably of lower feudal nobility since he carries the name of locality, Botonus (Bottone?); d. Bologna betw. 3/12 and 3/31/1266)
Grande diz. enc., index (Bernardo da Parma)
New Cath. enc. (Bernard of Parma; important canonist and glossator; b. Parma, ca. 1200; d. Bologna, ca. 1264)
NUC pre-56 (hdg.: Bottoni, Bernardo, d. 1266)
Schulte, J. F. von. Gesch. d. Quellen u. Lit. des canonischen Rechts, v. 2, 1877: p. 495, etc. (Bernardus Parmensis) p. 114 (Bernardus Parmensis de Botone)
His Casus longi super quinque libros decretalium, 1484 mensis Februarij die sexta: t.p. (... a Domino Bernardo ... compilati)
Decretales, between 1275 and 1325.
Brundage, James. Medieval canon law, 1995: p. 210 (Bernard of Parma, d. 1266; born close to the beginning of the thirteenth century at Parma; member of the de Botone family; studied canon law at Bologna under Tancred and by 1247, he was a canon of the cathedral of Bologna; compiled the Glossa ordinaria and the Casus longi to the Decretales, as well as Summa super titulis decretalium; on his death, he was buried next to Tancred in the cathedral of Bologna)
Wikipedia, viewed 27 January 2025: (Bernard of Botone; date of birth unknown; died in 1263, or, according to Hurter, 24 March 1266; a noted Italian canonist of the thirteenth century; generally called Bern(h)ardus Parmensis or Bernard of Parma, from his birthplace Parma)
Associated languagelat