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Kolb, Robert, 1941-

LC control no.n 82080148
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingKolb, Robert, 1941-
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Kolb, Robert A. (Robert Allan), 1941-
Колб, Роберт, 1941-
Kolbs, Roberts, 1941-
Kolbi, Robert, 1941-
柯樂伯, 1941-
Kelebo, 1941-
Associated countryUnited States
Birth date1941-06-17
AffiliationLutheran Church--Missouri Synod
Profession or occupationClergy
Special noteNon-Latin script references not evaluated.
Found inHis Andreae and the Formula of Concord, c1977.
His Speaking the Gospel today, c1984: CIP t.p. (Robert A. Kolb) pub. info. (assoc. prof. of religion, Concordia Coll., St. Paul, Minn.) data sheet (b. 6/17/41)
Spangenberg, Johann. A booklet of comfort for the sick, 2007: ECIP t.p. (Robert Kolb) data view (Kolb, Robert Allan; b. June 17, 1941)
Khristianskai︠a︡ vera, 2000: title page (Роберт Колб = Robert Kolb)
The Lutheran annual, 2016: page 359 (LCMS roster of ministers of religion--ordained: Kolb, Robert A, Dr)
Labā vēsts šodien, 2000: title page (Roberts Kolbs)
Kʻristianuli rcmena, 2016: title page (Robert Kolbi)
Mading Lude = 馬丁路德 2009: title page (柯樂伯 = Kelebo)
Associated languageeng