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Haller, Michael, 1945-

LC control no.n 82086226
Personal name headingHaller, Michael, 1945-
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Found inAussteigen oder rebellieren, 1981 (a.e.) t.p. (Michael Haller) p. 256 (b. 1945; edit. member of Spiegel; teaches Sozialisationstheorie at Univ. Zürich)
Die Kultur der Median, 2002: t.p. (Michael Haller) p. 233 (now Prof. at Univ. of Leipzig)
Not found inKürsch. Lit.-Kal., 1981; Kürsch. Lit.-Kal., 1981; Journalisten-Handb., 1974; Wer ist wer, 1981; Who's who in Switz., 1980/81.
Invalid LCCNn 82072636