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Fugger, Marcus, 1529-1597

LC control no.n 82089479
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingFugger, Marcus, 1529-1597
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Fugger, Markus, 1529-1597
Fugger, Marx, 1529-1597
Fuggerus, Marcus, 1529-1597
Fuckher zu Kirchbergk und Weissenhorn, Marx, 1529-1597
Other standard no.0000000109290671
LocatedAugsburg (Germany)
Birth date1529-02-14
Death date1597-06-18
Place of birthAugsburg (Germany)
Place of deathAugsburg (Germany)
Profession or occupationMerchants Politicians Humanists
Found inHis Bibliophile kostbarkeiten ... 1933-
Lancelot du Lac, 1 July 1494-1504 DLC copy (autograph of Marcus Fuggerus inside upper cover)
VIAF, accessed April 23, 2021 VIAF ID: 100900284 (Personal) (hdg.: Fugger, Markus, 1529-1597; Fugger, Markus; Fugger, Marcus, 1529-1597; Markus Fugger deutscher Kaufmann und Bankier; Fugger, Marx, 1529-1597)
Alvares, Francisco. General Chronicen, das ist: Wahrhaffte eigentliche vnd kurtze Beschreibung, vieler namhaffter, vnd zum theil biss daher unbekannter Landtschafften ..., 1576: leaf )(2 recto (Den Wolgebornen Herren, Herrn Marxen, Herrn Hansen, Herrn Jacoben, Allen Fuckherrn gebrüdern, Herrn zu Kirchbergk Vnd Weissenhorn ...)
English Wikipedia, viewed on Jan. 7th, 2025 (Markus Fugger (born Marx Fugger; 14 February 1529 - 18 June 1597) was a German politician and businessman of the Fugger family. He was the eldest son of Anton Fugger. He achieved several high offices - chamberlain to Archduke Ernest of Austria, Kammerpräsident, member of the kurbayrische (Bavarian) council, Pfleger (reeve) in the Landshut, and city-pfleger in Augsburg.)
Katalog der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek, viewed on Jan. 7th, 2025 (Fugger, Markus; born Augsburg 1529 or 1531; died Augsburg, 1597; active in Augsburg as a merchant and humanist; variant names (selection): Fugger, Marcus; Fugger, Marx; Fuggerus, Marcus; Fuckher zu Kirchbergk und Weissenhorn, Marx)