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Weatherly, F. E. (Frederic Edward), 1848-1929

LC control no.n 82096344
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingWeatherly, F. E. (Frederic Edward), 1848-1929
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Weatherly, Frederic Edward, 1848-1929
Resident M. A., 1848-1929
Weatherly, Frederic E. (Frederic Edward), 1848-1929
Weatherley, Frederick Edward, 1848-1929
Weatherly, Fred. E. (Frederic Edward), 1848-1929
Weathersley, F. E. (Frederic Edward), 1848-1929
Weatherly, F. C., 1848-1929
Wetherby, Frederick E., 1848-1929
Birth date1848-10-04
Death date1929-09-07
Place of birthPortishead (England)
Field of activityLyric writing (Popular music) Children's literature Law
Profession or occupationLyricists Authors--Juvenile literature Lawyers
Found inMassenet, J. La Navarraise, 1895: t.p. (Frederic E. Weatherly) [Info. from InU]
His The illustrated children's birthday book, 189-: t.p. (F.E. Weatherly) [Info. from InU]
His Frank Ross at Oxford, 1879: t.p. (a resident M.A.) [Info. from InU]
His Champagne, 1873?: t.p. (Frederick Edward Weatherly) [Info. from InU]
Nicoll, A. Hist. of Eng. drama, 1959: v. 5, p. 617 (Weatherley, Frederick Edward) [Info. from Inu]
His Songs for remembrance, 1930: t.p. (Fred E. Weatherly) p. 7 (d. Sept. 1929)
W was W (Weatherly, Frederic Edward, K.C., barrister and song writer; b. Portishead, Somersetshire, 10-4-1848; d. 9-7-1929)
In Arcady, c1881: caption (F.E. Weathersley)
Pagliacci, 1893 (F.C. Weatherly)
O Danny boy, 1994: caption (words by Frederick E. Wetherby)
British Library, via WWW, 24 November 2014 (searched Frederic Weatherly. Results: A century for "Danny Boy": a tribute to the life and times of the prolific yet almost forgotten songwriter Fred E. Weatherly (1849-1929), by G. E Yeaman)