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Millard, A. R. (Alan Ralph)

LC control no.n 82097361
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingMillard, A. R. (Alan Ralph)
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Variant(s)Millard, Alan Ralph
Millard, Alan, 1937-
Birth date1937
Field of activityArchaeology Bible -- Antiquities Hebrew language Semitic languages
AffiliationUniversity of Liverpool
Tynedale House (Library)
Profession or occupationCollege teachers Librarians
Found inAtrahasis. Atra-Ḫasīs ... 1969.
Essays on the patriarchal narratives, 1980: t.p. (A. R. Millard) p. 4 of cover (Rankin sr. lect. in Hebrew & anc. Semitic lang., Univ. of Liverpool)
His Treasures from Bible times, 1985: CIP t.p. (Alan Millard) CIP data sheet (b. 12-1-37)
The writers directory 1994-96 (Alan Ralph Millard, born 1937; genres: archaeology/antiquities, language/linguistics; lecturer in Hebrew and ancient Semitic languages, University of Liverpool; previously librarian, Tyndale Library for Biblical Research)
E-mail from author, via COPAC, 15 Apr. 2013 (not the author of "Ideas for assemblies", 1990)
Associated languageeng