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Jaguar Cars Ltd

LC control no.n 82104221
Descriptive conventionsrda
Corporate name headingJaguar Cars Ltd.
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Variant(s)Jaguar Cars Limited
Jaguar PLC. Jaguar Cars Ltd.
Jaguar Cars British Leyland UK Ltd.
See alsoS.S. Cars Limited
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities
Found inIts The complete official Jaguar "E", 1970.
Skilleter, P. Jaguar saloon cars, 1988 (name not given)
Phone call to Jaguar Clubs of North America, 3/8/90 (Jaguar Cars Ltd. a subsidiary of Jaguar PLC; Jaguar Cars British Leyland UK Ltd. an earlier name, obsolete ca. 1984)
Key British enterprises, 1977 (Jaguar PLC the parent of Jaguar Cars Ltd.)
Wikipedia, 1 Sept. 2008 SS cars page (SS Cars Ltd was a British car maker. It grew out of the Swallow Sidecar Company and was first registered under the new name in 1934. In 1945 the company changed its name to Jaguar Cars Ltd, because of the connotations of the SS NAZI name.
Invalid LCCNn 85823714