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McPartland, Marian

LC control no.n 82111791
Descriptive conventionsrda
LC classificationML417.M47 Biography
Personal name headingMcPartland, Marian
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Variant(s)McPartland, Marion
Turner, Margaret Marian
Turner, Marian Margaret
See alsoCorporate body: Marian McPartland Trio
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Associated countryUnited States
Birth date1918-03-20
Death date2013-08-20
Place of birthWindsor (Windsor and Maidenhead, England)
Place of deathPort Washington (N.Y.)
Field of activityJazz
Profession or occupationPianists Composers Jazz musicians Radio broadcasters
Found inA fine romance. [SR] p1976.
Her All in good time, 1987: CIP t.p. (Marian McPartland) fwd. (Margaret Marian Turner, married Jimmy McPartland during WW II)
New Grove dict. of jazz (McPartland (née Turner), Marian (Margaret); b. Mar. 20, 1920, Windsor, England; pianist)
Baker, 8th ed. (McPartland, Marian (Margaret, née Turner); b. Mar. 20, 1918, Windsor; English jazz pianist and composer)
Guinness enc. of pop. mus., 2nd ed. (McPartland, Marian; b. Marian Margaret Turner, Mar. 20, 1920, Windsor, Berkshire, England)
Marian and Jimmy McPartland and the All Star Jazz Assassins [SR] p1977: container (Marion McPartland) autograph by McPartland on container ("Spelled my name wrong as well as putting this lousy cover on the front!")
Biog. resource center (Contemp. musicians), Aug. 10, 2010 (Marian McPartland; b. Margaret Marian Turner, Mar. 20, 1918, Slough, England; pianist, composer)
Wikipedia, Aug. 10, 2010 (Marian McPartland; Margaret Marian McPartland; OBE; b. Mar. 20, 1918, Slough, England; English-born jazz pianist, composer, writer; appointed Officer of the Order of the British Empire (OBE) in the 2010 New Year Honours)
New York times (online), viewed Aug. 22, 2013 (in obituary published Aug. 21: Marian McPartland; b. Margaret Marian Turner, Mar. 20, 1918, Windsor, England; came to the U.S. in 1946; m. Jimmy McPartland, 1946 (div.; remarried shortly before his death in 1991); d. Tuesday [Aug. 20, 2013], Port Washington, N.Y., aged 95; genteel Englishwoman who became a fixture of the American jazz scene as a pianist and, later in life, hosted the internationally syndicated and immensely popular public radio show Marian McPartland's piano jazz)
Associated languageeng