LC control no. | n 82115405 |
Geographic heading | Holmes County (Ohio) |
Geographic subdivision usage | Ohio--Holmes County |
Variant(s) | Holmes Co., Ohio |
See also | Coshocton County (Ohio) Tuscarawas County (Ohio) Wayne County (Ohio) |
Found in | Holmes County, Ohio home page, Oct. 15, 2005 (Holmes County, Ohio) history (Holmes County was formed by an act of the General Assembly of Ohio in 1824 and the actual organization was completed by the same body on Jan. 4, 1825; the territory of Holmes County was taken from Wayne, Tuscarawas, and Coshocton counties) GeoNames, algorithmically matched, 2009 (adm2; 40°33ʹ00ʺN 081°54ʹ00ʺW) |
Geographic area code | n-us-oh |