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Mueller, Florian, 1904-1983

LC control no.n 82118465
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingMueller, Florian, 1904-1983
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Variant(s)Mueller, Florian, 1909-1983
LocatedChicago (Ill.) Ann Arbor (Mich.)
Birth date1904-06-15
Death date1983-03-14
Place of birthBay City (Mich.)
Place of deathSaint Petersburg (Fla.)
Field of activityComposition (Music) Performing arts
AffiliationChicago Symphony Orchestra American Conservatory of Music (Chicago, Ill.) Roosevelt University University of Michigan
Profession or occupationComposers Oboe players Conductors (Music) College teachers
Found inAuthor's Easy duets for treble clef instruments, c1958.
Rehrig, W.H. The heritage ency. of band music, c1991 (Mueller, Florian; b. 1909, Bay City, Mich.)
Dutch Wikipedia, July 23, 2012 (Florian (Frederick) Mueller; b. June 15, 1909, Bay City, Mich., d. Mar. 14, 1983, Saint Petersburg; American composer, music educator, conductor, and oboist)
Mueller, Florian. Concert music, 2003: title page (Florian Mueller) Introduction (Florian Mueller; born June 15, 1904, Bay City, Michigan; died March 14, 1983, St. Petersburg, Florida; joined the Chicago Symphony Orchestra as an oboist, 1927; first chair, 1929-1954; studied at the American Conservatory of Music in Chicago; a founder of Roosevelt University in Chicago; taught there and conducted its orchestra; in 1954, appointed professor of music at the University of Michigan; retired to Florida in 1973)
Summit County, Ohio, U.S., Marriage Records, 1840-1980, in Library Edition, August 14, 2024 (in 1933-1934, vol. 66, no. 130: Florian Mueller; 28 years old on June 15, 1932; born Bay City, Michigan; currently a resident of Chicago; occupation: musician)
U.S., World War II Draft Cards Young Men, 1940-1947, in Library Edition, August 14, 2024 (in Illinois, serial no. 1365: Florian Frederick Mueller; born June 15, 1904, Bay City, Mich.; residence: Riverdale, Cook County, Illinois; employer: Chicago Symphony Orchestra)