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Osthaus, Karl Ernst, 1874-1921

LC control no.n 82144677
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingOsthaus, Karl Ernst, 1874-1921
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Other standard no.Q74432
Associated countryGermany
Birth date1874-04-15
Death date1921-03-25
Place of birthHagen (Arnsberg, Germany)
Place of deathMerano (Italy)
Field of activityArt--Collectors and collecting Art patronage
Profession or occupationArt patrons
Found inHesse-Frielinghaus, H. Peter Behrens und Karl Ernst Osthaus, 1966.
Wikipedia, viewed November 20, 2019 (Karl Ernst Osthaus; born 15 April 1874 in Hagen; died 25 March 1921 in Meran; German art patron and art collector)