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LC control no.n 82147700
Descriptive conventionsrda
Uniform title headingFroschkönig
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Variant(s)Kinder- und Hausmärchen. Froschkönig
Froschkönig, oder, Der eiserne Heinrich
Special noteUse as the preferred title for the authorized access point of the story compiled by the Grimm brothers. Authorized access points for Jacob Grimm and Wilhelm Grimm as contributors may be added to bibliographic records. For an authorized access point for the German expression of the basic story use the preferred title Frog prince with the language of expression added.
Found inKincaid, L. The Frog Prince, 1983, c1981 (a.e.) CIP t.p. (The Frog Prince)
Grimm's German folk tales, c1960, p. 3 (The Frog King, or Iron Henry (Der Froschkönig, oder der eiserne Heinrich)
Opie, I. Classic fairy tales, c1974, p. 183, etc. (The Frog Prince)
Ireland, N.O. Index to fairy tales, 1949-72 (The Frog Prince)