LC control no. | n 82148919 |
Geographic heading | Salto (Uruguay) |
Geographic subdivision usage | Uruguay--Salto |
Variant(s) | Salto, Uruguay |
Found in | Salto, 1980- (subj.) v. 1, t.p. (Salto) p. 4 (ciudad) U.S. Off. of Geog., Uruguay, 1956 (Salto, popl. 31°23ʹS 27°58ʹW) Willis, J.L. Hist. dict. of Uruguay, 1974: p. 219 (Salto, city located on the Río Uruguay and capital of the Departmento of Salto. It is the nation's second largest city) GeoNames, algorithmically matched, 2009 (ppl; 31°23ʹ00ʺS 057°58ʹ00ʺW) |
Geographic area code | s-uy--- |