LC control no. | n 82152250 |
Geographic heading | Bad Liebenwerda (Germany : Landkreis) |
Geographic subdivision usage | Germany--Bad Liebenwerda (Landkreis) |
Variant(s) | Bad Liebenwerda (Landkreis) |
See also | Elbe-Elster (Germany : Landkreis) |
Found in | BGN, 1/14/86 (Landkreis Bad Liebenwerda [Bad Liebenwerda=brief], adm. div., 51°30ʹN, 13°25ʹE; E. Ger.) BGN gaz., E. Ger., 1983 (Bad Liebenwerda [brief], Landkreis, ADM2, 51°30ʹN, 13°25ʹE, in Cottbus; cites 1 other as ppl) Landkreis Elbe-Elster, 1998- : T. 1, t.p. (Landkreis Elbe-Elster) p. 11 (formed 1993 from the Landkreis of Bad Liebenwerda, Finsterwalde and Herzberg), via WWW, July 20, 2006 (Landkreis Elbe-Elster; created Dec. 6, 1993 in the Kreis reform from the previous Kreise of Finsterwalde, Bad Liebenwerda and Herzberg; bounded to the north by the Landkreise of Teltow-Fläming and Dahme-Spreewald; to the east by the Landkreis Oberspreewald-Lausitz; to the south and west by the Saxon Landkreise of Riesa-Grosshain and Torgau-Schatz; and to the northwest by the Saxony-Anhalt Landkreis of Wittenberg) |
Geographic area code | e-gx--- |