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Dar-ma-rin-chen, Rgyal-tshab-rje, 1364-1432

LC control no.n 82166242
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingDar-ma-rin-chen, Rgyal-tshab-rje, 1364-1432
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Variant(s)Rgyal-tshab Dar-ma-rin-chen, 1364-1432
Dar-ma-rin-chen, 1364-1432
Rgyal-tshab Rje Dar-ma Rin-chen, 1364-1432
Gyaltsab Darma Rinchen, 1364-1432
Dharma Rinchen, 1364-1432
Chia-tsʻao-chieh, 1364-1432
Ta-ma-jen-chʻin, 1364-1432
Damarenqin, 1364-1432
Gyaltsap Darma Rinchen, 1364-1432
Rgyal-tshab Rje, 1364-1432
Je, Gyaltsab, 1364-1432
Birth date1364
Death date1432
Place of birthJiangzi Xian (China)
Profession or occupationBuddhist priests Dge-lugs-pa lamas
Found inBsod-nams-grags-pa, Śes rab kyi ... 1963.
The collected works ... 1980- : v. 1, t.p. (Rgyal-tshab Rje Dar-ma Rin-chen [in rom.]) pref. (Rgyal-tshab Dar-ma-rinchen, 1st Dgaʼ-ldan Khripa, or throne holder of Tshong kha-pa, b. 1364)
Rgyal-tshab Ḍar-ma-rin-chen gyis mdzad paʼi dbu ma rin chen phreṅ ... 1996: added t.p. (Gyaltsab Darma Rinchen)
Bstan bcos tshad ma rnam ṅes kyi ṭik chen ... 1993: v. 2, colophon (in Chinese: Chia-tsʻao-chieh)
Spyod ʼjug rtsa ʼgrel, 1994: colophon (Ta-ma-jen-chʻin)
The sublime continuum and its explanatory commentary (Mahayanottaratantrasastravyakhya; Theg pa chen po rgyud bla ma'i bstan bcos dang de'i rnam par bshad pa), 2016: ECIP t.p. (Gyaltsap Darma Rinchen)
Kun btus rnam bshad legs par bshad pa chos mngon rgya mtshoʼi rnying po, 2017; (Rgyal-tshab Dar-ma-rin-chen)
Treasury of lives (Website), viewed on April 1,2019 (Gyeltsab Darma Rinchen (Rgyal tshab rje dar ma rin chen); Following Tsongkhapa's death in 1419, at the age of fifty-four or fifty-six Darma Rinchen ascended to the golden throne of Ganden; it was at that time that he acquired the title Gyeltsab (rgyal tshab), the 'regent' of Tsongkhapa)
China Buddhism Encyclopedia (Website), viewed on April 1,2019 (Gyaltsab Je (Wylie: Rgyal tshab rje) (1364-1432) or more elaborately, Gyaltsab Dharma Rinchen was born in the Tsang province of central Tibet; he was a famous student of Je Tsongkhapa, and actually became the first Ganden Tripa (throne holder) of the Gelug tradition after Je Tsongkhapa's death)
Associated languagetib