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Bardhan, Pranab K

LC control no.n 82218355
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingBardhan, Pranab K.
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Variant(s)Bardhan, Pranab Kumar
Pranab Bardhan
Bardhan, Pranab
Bardhana, Praṇaba
Praṇaba Bardhana
Bardhan, Pranab K. (Kumar)
See alsoEmployer: University of California, Berkeley
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Associated countryUnited States India
LocatedBerkeley (Calif.)
Birth date1939-11-09
Field of activityEconomics Economic security Education, Higher
AffiliationUniversity of California, Berkeley
Profession or occupationCollege teachers Authors
Found inHis Economic growth ... 1970.
His Land, labor, and rural poverty, 1983: CIP t.p. (Pranab K. Bardhan) data sheet (b. 9/11/39)
Ridra, A. Agrarian relations in West Bengal, c1983: t.p. (Pranab Bardhan) jkt. (Ph. D., eco., Cambridge Univ., prof. MIT; Ind. Sta. Inst.; Delhi Sch. of Eco.; Univ. of Cal., Berkeley) data from India (Bardhan, Pranab Kumar)
His Rāshṭra, samāja byabasthā, o deśera śrībr̥ddhi, 1985: t.p. (Praṇaba Bardhana)
Indian polity and economy, 2021: title page (Pranab Bardhan) page 4 of cover (Professor of Graduate School at the Department of Economics, University of California, Berkeley; educated at Presidency College, Kolkata and Cambridge University, England; taught at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Indian Statistical Institute, and Delhi School of Economics before joining Berkeley)
Associated languageeng