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Rowley, Janet D

LC control no.n 82219077
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingRowley, Janet D.
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Variant(s)Rowley, Janet
Davison, Janet
Birth date19250405
Death date20131217
Place of birthNew York (N.Y.)
Place of deathChicago (Ill.)
Field of activityMedicine
AffiliationUniversity of Chicago
Profession or occupationMedical scientists
Found inChromosomes and cancer, 1983 (a.e.) CIP t.p. (Janet Rowley, Univ. of Chicago) data sheet (Janet D. Rowley) book t.p. (Janet D. Rowley)
Los Angeles times WWW site, Dec. 20, 2013 (in obituary dated Dec. 19, 2013: Janet Rowley; maiden name Davison; b. Apr. 5, 1925, New York City; m. Donald Rowley; d. Tuesday [Dec. 17, 2013] at her home in the Chicago suburb of Hyde Park, at age 88; scientist whose research in the 1970s redefined cancer as a genetic disease)
Associated languageeng