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Trötschel, Elfriede, 1913-1958

LC control no.n 82234793
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingTrötschel, Elfriede, 1913-1958
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Trötschel, Elfride, 1913-1958
Troetschel, Elfride, 1913-1958
Birth date1913-07-16
Death date1958-01-20
Place of birthDresden (Germany)
Field of activityMusic Opera
Profession or occupationSopranos (Singers)
Found inHer Elfriede Trötschel, Sopran [SR] p1975: label (Elfriede Trötschel, soprano) container (b. 7/16/13 in Dresden; d. 1/20/58)
Lehár, F. The merry widow [SR] 1952: container (Elfride Trötschel)