LC control no. | n 83030329 |
Descriptive conventions | rda |
Geographic heading | Oranienburg (Germany) |
Geographic subdivision usage | Germany--Oranienburg |
Variant(s) | Oranienburg, Ger. |
Found in | U.S. Off. of Geog. BGN gaz., E. Ger., 1959 (Oranienburg, popl, 52 45 N 13 14 E [in Potsdam]) Müllers, 18. Aufl., 1974 (Oranienburg, St, Bz Pdm) BGN 4/8/83 (Oranienburg, ppl, 52°45ʹN, 13°14ʹE) Wikipedia, June 3, 2013 (Oranienburg is a town in Brandenburg, Germany. It is the capital of the district of Oberhavel.) |
Geographic area code | e-gx--- |