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Bodei, Remo, 1938-

LC control no.n 83031948
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingBodei, Remo, 1938-
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Bodei, R. (Remo), 1938-
Birth date1938-08-03
Death date2019-11-07
Found inLetteratura e psicoanalisi, 1974.
Hegel interprete di Kant, c1981: t.p. (R. Bodei) p. 7 (Remo Bodei)
Wikipedia WWW site, November 25, 2019: Italiano (entry Remo Bodei; b. August 3, 1938-d. November 7, 2019)
National bib agency no.0016E9566E
Quality codenlc